Trailer Analysis
Name of Film - Halloween
Year Released - 2007
Genre of Trailer - Horror
My overall review - 8/10
Name of Film - Halloween
Year Released - 2007
Genre of Trailer - Horror
My overall review - 8/10
Brief outline of the trailer - To begin, we are introduced to our main antagonist in the film. A serial killer who is currently in jail and well known for wearing a mask. The action immediately kicks off as he kills all of the guards escorting him and leaves the area to continue his rampage. The main part of the trailer is the key scenes shown giving it an overall look of being a highlights trailer.
Positive Aspects - I particularly liked the editing and title screens in this. They are iconic to the genre and seem to give off a suspenseful look to them. I also liked many of the highlights within the trailer as it didn't ruin the story but gave an insight into what the film will be about. The sound used was good as it was a suspenseful calm tone which could change at any moment.
Negative Aspects - Some of the things that I didn't like in this trailer were the narration. It didn't fit in well with what was happening and seemed to just annoy you. I wasn't too fond of the fact that there wasn't any gore shown in the trailer. For a horror trailer, there should be a specific amount of gore to give the audience an insight into what is happening.
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