Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Dawn of the Dead (1978) Image Analysis - Mall Overview

Here, we see the zombies roaming the mall which is meant to display the thought that they are clinging onto human, consumerist aspects of their previous lives. We can link this in because this was around the time that America was adding a load of Malls, from which a lot of people wanted to go there. We can see links into George Romero's opinions on this as he shows it as a place that people are clinging to when he in fact wasn't fond of the idea of Malls. This is why they have such a desire to be in the mall. The use of sound in this is a joking piece of music and its sound effects that make the zombies seem like a joke. This is through the use of contrapuntal music where it has a reverse role on the shot. This is useful to use as it allows people to laugh about something that would be seen as serious, this gives it a slight unsettling feeling as it is a matter that wouldn't be joked about, but after viewing it you find it quite funny. The use of the long shot here also allows us to get an overview of the mall and get an insight into how many of them are currently entering the mall.

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