Thursday, 9 January 2014

Chosen Trailer Type

For my trailer, I've chosen to base it off a highlights trailer. This is because it shows the most excitement, has the fastest pace and will keep the audience engaged for the longest time. There are specific things to watch for when creating a highlights trailer and that is so that you don't end up showing the majority of the story through the trailer (which can be seen in the trailer for "The Toxic Avenger") as this way, there is nothing for the audience to look forward to. The best thing to do is add a few key points which would be interesting and then make sure to leave out a few things leaving the story on a cliffhanger. My personal idea for a highlights trailer is to mix up all of the specific clips so that they aren't in order so the story won't seem to follow a pattern and give an overall idea into the whole film shortened. For my trailer, I will be using a variety of different techniques such as Collision Cutting and Jump Scares to keep my audience engaged and get across the point that this is a horror film.

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